Comprehensive and Integrated

A multi-purpose site with an content-managed design provides Accreditation Professionals clientele with a access-only document repository, blog integration, and easy site-search functionality.

Built Around Your Identity

Using the Great Harvest Bread, Co.'s existing identity, we built a custom designed content-managed site to inform and promote their great whole wheat products, schedules and announcements.*

*Site developed in partnership with The Creative Development Group

Creative Solutions

We provided a comprehensive integrated solution for Victory Christian Church with image galleries, video integration, and online events calendar -- all enhanced with a touch of flash.

*Site developed in partnership with The Creative Development Group


With all the features needed to go from information to closing the sale, this home-sale site provided all the incentives for a potential buyer to attend this best-bidder sale.

Light Creations was formed in order to help small to medium size businesses, organizations, churches, ministries, and entrepreneurs to establish a presence on the Internet. Light Creations takes an individual approach to each site we create, looking to the personality of the business or individual we are working with to try to bring that across in the finished product.

Welcome ...

We are continually developing new and different applications and designs while always attending to the needs of clients. A variety of styles and designs are evident in our portfolio. We intentionally get to know our clients as we work with them. Whether an informational site, blog, content-managed system, or e-commerce site, each site is customized to the clients specifications and needs.

Generating new leads? Upselling to current customers or clients? Providing frequent feedback and information? Raising your brand value? Light Creations wants to help you present your story through the medium of Internet -- the fastest growing means of communication today.

Contact Us ...

Light Creations

Kennesaw, GA 30152
770-880-9043 (c) [email protected]